Category: Funny Poems

  • When Daddy Used The SatNav

    With respect and apologies to the late Alfred Noyes, author of ‘Daddy Fell Into the Pond’. “There must be a shortcut,” said Daddy one day “Let’s see if this app can suggest a new way.” So he tapped the screen of its glowing display When Daddy used the SatNav I thought it was strange that…

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  • Poem For My Enemy

    I don’t think I’m the first person to do this,but I can’t remember (or find out from Google) what gave me the idea. May your teddy bear’s eyes be chewed off by the cat and sicked-up in your dinner unnoticed. May your brother draw pictures inside all your books and your parents just yawn when…

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  • A Wolf’s Tale

    A poem that takes pity on the three little pigs arch enemy. Once upon a hairy tale (Yes, I got the spelling right) A wolf stuck plasters on his fur And moaned about his plight. For 5 long years he’d suffered Since he was but a pup From crafty pigs and girls in hoods And…

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