A poem that takes pity on the three little pigs arch enemy.

Once upon a hairy tale
(Yes, I got the spelling right)
A wolf stuck plasters on his fur
And moaned about his plight.
For 5 long years he’d suffered
Since he was but a pup
From crafty pigs and girls in hoods
And now he was fed up.
The vet said he had asthma
From blowing buildings down
And he thought he’d caught a case of fleas
From wearing grandma’s gown.
The last time he had eaten well
Was August or September
He thought he might have caught a slug
He couldn’t quite remember.
He longed to eat that girl in red
And her rotten granny too
Followed by a bacon roll
And a bowl of piggy stew.
But thanks to Red and daddy’s axe
His tail was now much shorter
And the pigs had scolded his behind
With a pan of boiling water.
So wolfie went to search the web
From Instagram to Ebay
For something that would fill his tum
And make the rotters pay.
His answer was to order up
A pizza (thin and crusty)
Delivered on a moped by
A spotty youth called Rusty.
As Rusty reached the wolf’s front door
The wolf leapt from the hall
And gobbled up the poor young man
Pizza box and all
So having finished off the boy
He took his coat and tie
And set of on the moped
For a certain piggy sty.
Knock, knock went wolf upon the door
At the pig-house made of brick
“Pizza?” said the hopeful pig
And gave his lips a lick.
But no one got to eat that night
Except our vulpine friend
Who rounded up the piggies three
And brought about their end.
With belly full of yummy pork
He got back on the moped
And up the road to grandma’s house
The naughty wolf then sped
Alas, grandma was also fooled
By the pizza uniform
And the promise of a cheesy feast
With extra fries and corn.
Thus satisfied, the wolf began
To wait for little Red
And feeling full of porky treats
He snoozed upon the bed.
Some time had past when Wolf awoke
The night had now turned black
“The moment’s come for my revenge,
I’ll have a midnight snack!”
His urge to eat Red Riding Hood
Blinded him from seeing
The visitor to Grandma’s house
Was another furry being.
No one knows poor wolfie’s fate
Although I’ve heard a rumour
That these days, when Red’s in the wood,
She walks beside a puma.
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