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One Of Three

Friendships at school can be tricky – even more so if there are three of you.

I’m one of three, I’m one of three

Locked in anxious rivalry

Wracked by worry, fear and doubt

That I’m the one to be left out …

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Unexplained Behaviour

This poem is more serious in tone and thinks about what may be behind a child’s behaviour.

I’ll be quiet and do as I’m told

If you’ll only let me be

The grown-ups will think that I’m good as gold

I’ll make sure there’s nothing to see

Whatever they say I’ll agree

I’ll never be caught with a frown

Daily life will wash over me

While inside I slowly drown …

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The Suitcase

A bit of a sad poem about the power that smells have to evoke memory.

The Suitcase

When I was thirteen, my school arranged a trip

to explore the peaks and valleys of the Lake District.

Three hour walks through hostile weather

to spend our nights in hostel bunk-beds: what joy.

Consider the geological wonder of the rock formations

they said.

Mess around with your mates

thought I.

But aching, rain-soaked limbs were a price worth paying

for a week’s worth of sleepovers….

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The Mosque Trip

I wish this poem wasn’t based on real events …

“Me mam and dad won’t let me go,”

was all the explanation he had given.

And Miss Davis had just nodded

and written his name, ‘Jamie Kelly’, on a list under four others.

“I really want to but …” he had tried to say,

but the way his teacher’s eyes stayed sad as she smiled

Left him unable to finish.

So there it was.

While the others got an afternoon away from school,

he would be put with the babies in Mrs Garth’s class.

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