I’m scared of men that have big beards
The bushy ones the most
And shiver at the thought they might
Be hiding bits of toast.
If I should see a magpie perched
Upon my apple tree
I’m terrified that something bad
Will soon occur to me.
The number thirteen
doesn’t worry many other folk
but if I meet that dread amount
I’m sure that I will croak.
At night I keep the light switched on
And lock my cupboard door
For fear of fearsome creatures
With fearful jaws and claws.
I’m scared of creatures with eight legs
And six and four and two
Which can make things quite awkward
When visiting the zoo.
I’m not too keen on travelling
By boat or car or train
And cannot even contemplate
A journey in a plane.
I even fear the phobias
That haven’t yet got names
And dread an unknown horror
I really can’t explain.
In fact, the list of things that add
To my anxiety
Is pretty much unlimited
As far as I can see.
But worse beards or snakes or heights
Or noises in the dark
Is the thought that I might have to teach
The kids at Castle Park.
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